Monday 19 November 2012

Memories Monday: Laughter of God

Genesis 21:6 TEV "God has brought me joy and laughter. Everyone who hears about it will laugh with me."

God indeed has been good to us. More than good actually, lavish. Lavishing us with so many wondrous things in life, especially the gift of lives which He so generously entrusted unto us. May we, as parents, do our part, patiently loving and leading our little ones, every day.

On time and change:

They say that the days feel long but the years are short. How true.

It seems not long ago we lifted our tiny firstborn in our arms. And then... sooner that i'd expected or realized, that 'some time ago' was the last time i lifted him up in my arms that way, and it was. It was the very last time.

May we pay attention to the now and cherish this moment with our beloved children.


A little note to Isaac:

My dearest son Isaac,

60 months you have been with mummy and papa, and in a whirl of time, you have grown from a wee baby to a fit toddler. So soon, that next year you will already be in kindergarden, only a year away from Primary 1!

To celebrate You, here's a brief pictorial about you and how blessed we are to have you in our lives:

The day "Laughter" came into our lives:

 Isaac "Laughter of God"

Learning to crawl at 4 months

 Your first word for a thing is "bulb" and i can still remember your mini voice as you point your index finger at the light.

You are deeply curious about a lot of things, and here are some of your favourites: 

 The Bus in the Natural History Museum  31.5.09

You love banging at the drums.
Here's at our first attempt at exposing you to pre-kindy 24.2.10

 You love shells!
And the colour blue until red became your new favourite colour :)

You love rides and fun fairs  21.8.11

You love mummy or papa read books and tell stories to you

And you love Ultraman!


 You are a HUGE fan of Ultraman. And that means a huge collection of Ultraman figurine toys of All sizes, and all things Ultraman - your school bag, pencil case, shirts, DVDs etc. and yes, birthday cakes also... 4.8.11
Remember the colourful necklace beads you made for me? :)
You are a discoverer, and aren't afraid to try new things, food included.

One of your current favourites: Fried chicken.

Stuffing as much as you can with Ngieh-ma's cookies!  26.01.09
Ps: Pineapple tart in your left hand. Sporty grandma looking on with baby brother.

Trawling for shells at the beach with papa 15.4.12
You are full of energy, creative, fun-loving and bright.

Trying to brushing mummy's frazzled hair! hahah   27.10.11
I love, love your doodles. "mummy, Jesus...", you said with a smile as you showed me this picture.
You enjoy puzzles, creating stuffs with plasticine and building blocks.  13.07.11

And how you love "surprises"; our code word for fun activities like craft. 19.04.12
 And then one day, you gave me a Surprise! I love this  15.11.12
You laugh easily, and love to be funny and make us all laugh...

  well, maybe not Ah Mi... heheh  21.09.08
"Mirror, mirror on the wall, who has the sparklier teeth of all?"  26.08.12

At times, you'd rather play alone, yet you and your brothers are close and it warms my heart to see you all playing together. Nicely. Hmm, you have your fair share of fights too, but that is what brothers are for! :)

 With baby Jeremy then at Reservoir Park  20.06.10

Chinese New Year 2010

...with Gabriel 18.08.12


And with your favourite cousin Alex   07.08.11 

And some of my favourite photos of you:
You in your lovely costume Ta-Ku gave you 26.1.09

The first day in uniform, after a couple of months plus settling down in Nursery school.
See your pepet in your hand? 12.03.10
 Fifth birthday celebration with your classmates. Theme for your cake: Ultraman :)  17.08.12

God who has entrusted you in our care has watched over you these 5 years and He will continue to do so until you meet Him face to face.

God is good, very good, and we pray that you learn to put your trust in Him every day, giving your very best in everything you do for His glory, and becoming a blessing to many.

We are blessed to have you in our family, and we love you very much.

Happy birthday, son.

Aug 12

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