Monday 24 November 2014

Our Precious Jem

Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you, " declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." 
Jeremy, "God will uplift"   26 Apr 10

Jem Boy,

You are now six!

Happy Birthday my dearest!

When I look at you today, I am filled with a mix of emotion - of how grateful I am to God for entrusting you to us and how blessed we are with your presence and your joy.

You are our middle boy, our icing in the Oreo cookie, the ham in our sandwich. And what is Oreo or sandwich without the middle part? That's how important you are to our family.

And so, on this blessed day, let's celebrate you! And here are just some things which mummy fondly thinks of about you from time to time.

1. You are a gentleman. 
Gentle son of God, you are courteous when you deal with people. Your sweet nature and gentle words reminds me of one who is strong and loving. Your "thank you's" and "I am sorry" are the magic words that can encourage, uplift and pacify anyone. How you would rarely demand for things, but just ask. Nicely. And especially how you would give way to others, just so that someone could have a better day. Just like a gentleman.

Sports Day at Chin Sin Kindy. Here you were guiding your friend to line up.  18 Jul 12

2. You are a peacemaker.
Along with the qualities of a gentleman, you (and also with your brothers) help make peace around the home, between the kids, and even between us adults. With the grace to be flexible, you are willing to endure the lesser of things and benefits, for the sake of others.
Sure, it's uncomfortable son, and it looks like others got a better deal than you. But really? Let me share with you a secret: When you sacrifice out of love for someone, you are a winner. A hero, son. Don't ever forget that. 

Really again? Yes. Because the Bible tells me so.
You holding my hand.  4 Mac 14
3. You are a loyal and loving brother. 
Ever willing, ever available, you love your brothers. Who could ask for more?  

With big brother occupied over schoolwork and other things, you would spend more time hanging out with your little brother.   26 Jun 12

Do you remember this? You wrote this and pasted the note on the wall.  28 Mac 15

He ain't heavy, he's my brother.   9 Mac 15

And you are a good grandson, helping to rock Joshua to sleep.  18 Aug 13

Playing and self medicating.  3 May 11

Doing things together with big bro.

And here, goofing with your brother.  5 Jul 15

4. You have great imagination. And you are creative. Underneath that quiet demeanor, you have a lot going on in your mind. And combined with your love for play, you would come up with all sorts of entertaining ways for a fun-filled world of your own. 
The wonder of your little mind.  29 Jul 12

In deep focus.  22 Apr 15

That's right, son. Keep building, keep going, no matter what.  19 Feb 12

You love role play and you would inspire your brothers along too. And that's you on the ET buggy.  19 Sep 12

12 Jan 14

5. You are brave to try new things. Yes you are!
How dare you? Here, you were daring the 20 feet high slide for roller skaters. And I have full would arrive, nicely, in 1 piece at the bottom (gulp) :P   17 Apr 15

No fear of needles here. You did prick your finger, but that didn't stop you.  16 Jun 14

No matter hard skill, or soft skill, you will try. Letting you try making your own birthday cake - Strawberry Yogurt Cake          (Gâteau au yaourt).   6 Nov 12

And remember this?  You sang 小老鼠  for your school performance. Well done!  13 Sep 13

6. You love to explore. Your brothers too!
I spy with my little eye...  30 Mac 14

7. You are also an artist.
Some of your artwork:
Vege art chop: I love how you would think up some things differently from others. 15 Apr 15

Dot Art. 29 Apr 15

You are very careful in your work. Great job handling those big oil pastels!  29 Mac 15 

8. You are a sportsman. Nimble and always active, you are a pleasure to watch. 
You, with one of your best friends.  29 Sep 13

9. Your favorite song is "Let it go".
Frozen  2014
10. You also like pink. And you like ice-cream too (along with other food favorites). And if it's pink ice-cream, it's like double bonus for Jeremy! Yay!
Jeremy and the Butterfly Ice-Cream 8 May 15
My Son, 
As precious a gem is, so are you, indeed. And as a gem sparkles light into the eyes of the beholder, so, we pray that you too, our precious Jem, be a living light to those around you. 

Jeremy, as you grow, you will discover that you have more talents and abilities that you could ever know presently. And you will also know that finding those talents and mastering anything you do requires effort. Lots of effort. Let grit show you what you can achieve. It will be worth it. I promise.  

May God bless you with wisdom and grant you protection all the days of your life. And may you experience God leading you, to the plans which He promises, plans that prosper you, plans that give you hope and a bright future. 

As the saying goes, the best is yet to come. 

In Jesus' name we pray. 


Dearest son, we love you very much.
From: Mummy and Papa
Sweet Jem, the boy with the cow-lick hair, like Superman, I always say.  21 Nov 14

And this is one of my favorite pictures of you. I know, you smiled to me.   

And remember this picture. You see that hand holding you? That's your father's hand. In life, our Heavenly Father is like that too. Holding you, protecting you, loving you.  13 Feb 11

You, in mummy's arms.:love:   28 Nov 11

1 comment:

  1. 27 Sep 2020:

    It was 11:40pm on a Sunday, & here you and mum were reading this post that I wrote for you. I miss you and your brothers, and think of how I should have spend more time cherishing you all. Son, you are a good boy. And you WILL be a great man.

    Remember to follow the instructions in the Bible, and all will be well:

    Js 1:8: This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you[a] shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.

    Jeremy, mum loves you, and Isaac, and Gabriel, and papa always and forever. God bless! :D
