Friday 29 May 2015

Gift of the Gab: 60 Months & Onward

James 1:17  "Every good gift and every perfect present comes from heaven; it comes down from God, the Creator of the heavenly lights,"

Double Happiness. You & grandma were born just 1 date apart.   24 May 15

My dearest Gabriel,

60 months have so quickly passed, & you are now 5! How I missed your sweet baby days, yet mummy wouldn't trade the present (that's you!) now in our lives. Yes, let's celebrate!

But first, some sweet memories to remember who you are. And while some days has its challenges, just remember what a joy you are to us, and a good son and loyal brother you are. We are so blessed to have you with us.

Precious moments time cannot erase...

1.  You came into this world fashionable, with a stylish crown of hair & handsome sideburns.

Gabriel, "God is my Strength"

2. You are talkative & responsive, & how from an early toddlerhood, you would rattle away in long sentences, complete with conjugations, when you want to describe a thing, a person, an event, or even expressing your feelings about something that has caught your fancy.

And how your grandma & mummy adore hearing you humming away...

With one of your favorite persons in the world  31 May 13

3. Boy, you are strong-willed & daring. When dare meets with fascination of a forbidden kind (e.g. of fire), you would put your butt on the line (quite literally) & secretly hoard the match box to light up. With your patron's (aka mom / grandma) permission. Or not. Oopsy...

What? Did someone just said this is off limits?  Chinese New Year  3 Feb 14 

Fascination by relation. Ok, I'm outnumbered here. Don't say your mom never taught you about fire safety.  19 May 15

4. You are creative. You & your brothers find creative ways to entertain yourself & others, & you would explore possibilities or ways in which to fulfill your agenda.

How does happy look like? Like this, you say.  13 Jan 15

I'm not sure what this is, so maybe you can tell mum?   1 Oct 14

5. You are an artist. You are also primarily responsible for the random colorings we find on the walls of our home. :P

5 Feb 14

A true artist doesn't confine art only on paper. So... how do I look?  6 Mac 14

One of your artwork with the toothbrush.   9 Oct 13

You & Jem bring ideas everywhere, even on the floor.  21 Apr 15

6. You are a caring & compassionate person.

    Yes, you are. You love us, & others as well. Remember the Cheshire Home's visit to our home during one of those CNY? You were that boy who stayed around with those strange folks in the sitting room & you spoonfed a man who wasn't able to feed himself because he had no arms.

And how selfless you often are. When sweet treats are available, you would remember to get your brothers' share first, & yourself last. In that particular order. You are also protective to your brothers & would come to their assistance when they needed support. Including giving a karate chop or a ninja kick to an adult "assailant".

Here you were trying to do your part in the annual parish Lenten gotong royong for the urban poor near UNACO.  30 Mac 14

Giving your brother a helping hand.  17 Sep 14

7. And you are such a sport. Gregarious, playful & fun-full!

So, how do ya like my birthday suit?  2 Oct 11

Costume party today. Theme: Indiana Jones & The Temple Of Glee. I "tang" that Japanese boy.  6 Jun 13

And a favorite with my little man: Tennessee Waltz   Jun 2014

Don't forget this.  10 Mac 13

Engaged in some secret mission with your brother.  28 Sep 14

Ps: Ok, so there were occasions, where executing point 7 contraindicated with point 6. Case defined: Your preliminary rendezvous with the furball scared the wits out of Sweet Ah Mi. For improvement, make peace with your sister cat, ya...

8. And talk about play, you are versatile with what you play with.

   Like your brothers, you LOVE water.

                                                 (To the tune of Jingle Bells)                       1 May 12
Dashing to this place,
To a one hose open pipe,
Oh, what fun it is to play,
this water from the pipe!

Open & close,

Open & close,
Open all the way,
Oh, what fun it is to play,
this one hose open pipe!

Repeat 100 times

Suit - check; hat - check; life jacket - check. All appropriate. Now... where's the sea?  15 Apr 12

And how you have this thing with tapes & strings. You like to wrap meters of 'em around & around things like armchairs, chair legs, fan stand, stairway, window grills, whatever. And secured those strings with intricate knots. Lots of knots. And I mean A LOT.

And oh, how like most boys, you also find manly gadgets interesting, such as those in the department of weaponry...

Guns. Hand gun, rifle, M-16, DST, or Lego, they are all part of your gadgets in defense when you played good guy-bad guy routine.

Look ma, no eyes!  2 Jan 15

A pocket full of ammo & an added roar for better effect  22 Mac 15
 And how you would make me respond with a sheepish yes whenever you start by saying, "A-pai wa tua han liaw, lu ka wa beh gun, ok mummy? Ok mummy!? OK??"

    Samurai swords.

I ain't here to eat. I'm here on a mission. 19 Oct 14

And some more swords.
Recruiting your brother in the fight for a worthy cause.  23 Sep 12

Iron fist. Or is it Iron Man?

Mum, maybe Tony Stark started like this? 26 Jan 15

So, son, happy 5th birthday!

It is such a joy to watch you grow. Your laughter, your joy, your optimism, are precious. Your papa & I give thanks to God everyday for you, Jeremy & Isaac.

Remember that life is a precious gift, & that every good thing comes from the loving hands of God. And just like everyone on earth, sometimes it's a challenge to deal with people (including yourself) & situations, but remember that your source of joy & strength is always the good Lord Himself. If you need to be reminded of this, look no further for answers. The truth is in your name.     

Gabriel, we love you.

Love you forever,

Like you for always,
Mummy & Papa

With papa.   27 Jun 12

4 years + 3 months old.  10 Aug 14

Sunday 10 May 2015

A Mother's Lesson On Never Giving Up

When there is much to do & patience wears thin, the camel's back can be weak & it doesn't take a straw to break it. Only hours awake, & already complete with kid (& adult) tantrums & ugly yells & a mother who keeps flailing & failing in hope & joy making, yet...

A boy who finds a way to make a mother feel better & accepted.

"Open it mummy, " he prompts as he watches on the exasperation on the face of a mother getting a son to do schoolwork. After his gentle second reminder, the mother opens the surprise to find a gift within a gift, "Happy Mother and Isaac love wu"

And continues to love her in other ways... rummaging in the fridge to make a fruity-vege salad with Thousand Island sauce all by himself for a special Mother's Day. And later offers to cook up cheese omelette. And more love notes.
Good thing i let the kids handle knives early on. Heh.. :P
 And then...

Another boy who quietly decides to help to mop the kitchen.